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US targets Maduro with new sanctions, citing ‘democracy’

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks after election results are announced in Caracas on July 31, 2017. (Photo by AFP)

The United States has imposed new financial sanctions on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
The Monday announcement came a day after the oil-rich nation cast their ballots on electing a new assembly tasked with rewriting the constitution.
The US called the vote a “sham,” amid reports that new decisions were being made about imposing further sanctions against the country’s oil industry.
At least 10 people died as voting was underway with the protesters clashing in street battles with security forces.
This is while the Venezuelan president has called for restoring peace through the new constituent assembly, also censured by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.

With over eight millions ballots cast, the vote was touted as one with the highest of voter turnouts in Venezuela’s history.
“Peace has won. If peace has won, Venezuela has won,” said Tibisay Lucena, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE).
Anti-government protests have been going on in Venezuela for months.

The opposition, which had already boycotted the vote, has called for further anti-government protests.

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