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US top diplomat repeats allegations against Iran

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson looks on during a meeting at the State Department in Washington, DC, on July 27, 2017. (Photo by AFP)

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is repeating the Trump administration’s anti-Iran allegations.
Speaking to reporters at the State Department on Tuesday, he American top diplomat accused Tehran of violating spirit of the nuclear deal, which also involves the UK, Russia, Germany, China, and France.
The US has recently imposed new sanctions on Iran based on the argument, citing Iran’s missile program and claims of “destabilizing” the region.
This is while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has on numerous occasions confirmed Iran’s full compliance with the nuclear agreement.
Tillerson, a former ExxonMobil CEO, said he would seek to counter what he claimed was Iran’s “expansionist” policies by turning to Washington’s friends in the Middle East.
Iran has been at the vanguard of efforts to fight Takfiri terrorism supported by some of the US regional allies.
Tehran also argues that the sanctions imposed on Iran last month are a violation of the JCPOA.

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Earlier on Tuesday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said the Islamic Republic has lodged a complaint with the joint commission supervising implementation of Iran's nuclear deal with six world powers over the new sanctions.
US President Donald Trump, who has backed the sanctions, has warned Tehran of "big, big problems" in the face of the violation of the accord.
In a report on July 27, The New York Times  said Trump was “frustrated that his national security aides have not given him any options on how the United States can leave the Iran nuclear deal, [therefore he] has instructed them to find a rationale for declaring that the country is violating the terms of the accord.”

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