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US-led coalition failing to avoid civilian casualties in Syria: Analyst

A political analyst has cast doubt on the claims by Washington and its allies that the so-called US-led coalition mistakenly targets civilians in Iraq and Syria.
“Why do they target civilians? We know that they have excellent intelligence sources. They know everything in any corner of the Arab world. Why do they mistake the targets of Daesh and Takfiris with the civilian people?” Ibrahim Mousawi asked in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday.
He described the rising civilian casualties in the US-led airstrikes as an indication that the United States does not “want to defeat Daesh.”
“They (the US and its allies) have been using [terrorists] as tools in order to undermine the ... government in Syria and to carry out attacks in Iraq and other places,” Ibrahim Mousawi noted.
His comments come against the backdrop of a recent surge in the civilian casualties following the US-led airstrikes in Syria.

A so-called monitoring group says at least 125 civilians have been killed in US-led airstrikes against Syria’s northern city of Raqqah.
Reports coming out of the country suggest that over 100 civilians have lost their lives in the US-led airstrikes on Raqqah within a week.

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