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Nationwide arrest of teenage immigrants in US next week: Memo

An immigration detainee sits in a high security unit at the Theo Lacy Facility, a county jail which also houses immigration detainees arrested by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), March 14, 2017 in Orange, California, about 32 miles (52km) southeast of Los Angeles. (Photos by AFP)

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is reportedly planning nationwide roundup of teenage immigrants, some of whom entered the country as “Unaccompanied Alien Children.”

The plan for next week, as reported by Reuters citing an internal memo on Saturday, is part of US President Donald Trump’s crackdown on immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Raids targeting those between 16 and 17 years old are set to begin on Sunday and continue through Wednesday.
Teens with suspected gang activity or membership would be arrested, a measure representing a sharp contrast to policies under former President Barack Obama.
According to the memo, the raids would also target parents who have been ordered deported by a judge due to crossing the US border illegally with their children as well as those who entered as children without guardians and have now turned 18,
The Republican president has vowed to crack down on immigration but has failed to get his complete agenda through so far.
"You have a gang called MS-13. They don't like to shoot people. They like to cut people. They do things that nobody can believe," Trump said at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa last month.
According to ICE, having gang tattoos, frequenting an area notorious for gangs and wearing gang apparel would mean the person is a gang member.
A Department of Homeland Security official has confirmed that the plan still stands.

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