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Iraqis celebrate Mosul liberation with military parade

Iraq has celebrated the liberation of Mosul with a military parade attended by Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Army, police and fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units, commonly known by their Arabic name Hashd al-Sha’abi, took part in the Saturday parade which was held in the capital Baghdad.
Iraqi troops can be seen during a victory parade held over the liberation of Mosul from Daesh in Baghdad, Iraq, July 15, 2017. (Photo by Reuters) 

On Monday, Abadi formally declared victory of the country’s forces over the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group one day after the country’s military and Popular Mobilization Forces took full control of the northern city.
The Iraqi forces took control of eastern Mosul in January after 100 days of fighting, and launched the battle in the west on February 19.

Iraqi tanks can be seen during a victory parade held over the liberation of Mosul from Daesh in Baghdad, Iraq, July 15, 2017. (Photo by Reuters) 

An estimated 862,000 people have been displaced from Mosul ever since the battle to retake the city began eight months ago. A total of 195,000 civilians have also returned, mainly to the liberated areas of eastern Mosul.

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