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Scarlett Johansson admits she and grandma doppelgänger 'did get kind of trashed'

Scarlett Johansson delivered on her promise to have a drink (or two!) with her grandma doppelgänger on the night she brought her to the New York premiere of "Rough Night," the actress revealed to Stephen Colbert on "The Late Show" Friday night.

Earlier in the week, Johansson, 32, made headlines when she shared the red-carpet spotlight with Geraldine Dodd, 72.
Johansson explained to Colbert that she first caught wind of the lookalike grandma after people alerted.
“This came to me purely because people were like, ‘Oh, my God, you have a doppelgänger and it’s crazy,” she said. “So I looked at this link online. This woman looks exactly like me.”
The photo in question showed Dodd in a faded picture at the age of 22, “really wasted,” Johansson said.
“When I found out that obviously she looked exactly like me but she was wasted, I was like, ‘You should come and we should get wasted together at the "Rough Night" premiere,’” Johansson continued, telling Colbert that they did “get kind of trashed.”
“My gosh, she’s a lush!” Johansson joked. “She was such a nice woman, though. She’s from Arkansas and her daughter, of course, owns a bar. And I will eventually make my way to Arkansas and continue this lovely family reunion. She's just awesome.”

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